Still Dreaming
Proverbs 16:1(NCV) “People may make plans in their minds, but only the Lord can make them come true.”
David Jeremiah, Turning Points Magazine, pg. 36(10-10-06) “To have a dream, then endure the death of that dream, requires great faith” “If you’ve endured the death of a dream, don’t give up. Seek God to discover what His purpose and plan are. It may take time and adjustments, but it will be better in the end.”
The ability to live and still have a dream
After failing in life isn’t as hard as it seems
To some they may feel like your life is over
Your luck has ran out, no more four leaf clovers
But, there is One who still dares you to dream
No matter what has happened, He’ll wipe the slate clean
And give you the strength to begin life again
Letting you know this situation is not the end
As long as He gives you breath to begin each day
He has a devised wonderful plan that will go exactly His way
Trust Him, repent, do whatever the Lord asks
He will surely give you the power to complete the task
For any “nay-sayers” who try to destroy your dream
Keep praying to the Lord and focusing on the unseen
Surely there will be things that constantly attack your mind
Satan knows you want to be free, so he’ll constantly press rewind
To remind you of when and how you (or things) did fail
Applying great pressure hoping that you will bail
On the dreams that God has set and devised for you
If you just have faith in Him, God will see you through
Don’t quit trusting, I pray, just keep believing
Today is the day—God wants to see you still dreaming
Romans 8:28(NCV) “We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love him. They are the people He called, because that was his plan.”
Prayer- Lord, I cannot stop dreaming. I can’t say I have not lived up to my end of the bargain, because You were never bargaining with me. You had and have a plan for my life. That plan includes me being submitted to You and bringing You the glory that all of creation is supposed to bring You. Lord, I love You for Your faithfulness. Your kindness, correction and staying power are all testaments of how much You care for me. Thank You for allowing me to keep dreaming. Satan, the world and even my past failures, cause me to have many nightmares, but You Lord, through Your Word, people, ministries and miracles continue to give me a reason to keep dreaming.
God doesn't want you to stop dreaming; as long as He gives you the ability to see another day, He is giving you the opportunity to recieve His grace and to start living the life He has designed you for. Don't be discouraged by any failure or obstalces that you are facing; know that God wants you to S.T.A.R.T. NOW with living your dreams.
William Gilmer
Yes I have to say that there was a period in my life that I had lost the faith to dream. God has not restored all of that and given me new dreams to dream